I’ve wanted to start washing my non-organic produce for awhile now and just never took the time to do some research...at least not until this past weekend when the Hubby Bear brought home some green grapes from SAM’s. I looked at those grapes.....you could just see the dusty white film all over each grape.... I thought to myself, “No way! At least until we can wash them with something that is safe and effective.”
So, after polling several folks regarding a safe product on the market that works.... Boots McCann, one of our members, came up with the number one answer! She gave me a recipe that is used by the locals in Mexico to wash their produce. It is all natural and made of products that you most likely have in your kitchen right now!



That’s it!
The recipe can be found here. I tried it this morning and it works great! I feel much better about eating grocery produce when I can’t get hold of my organic.
Thanks Boots!!
Yours In Health
Slyck Pecena
Founder & Leader
The recipe can be found here. I tried it this morning and it works great! I feel much better about eating grocery produce when I can’t get hold of my organic.
Thanks Boots!!
Yours In Health
Slyck Pecena
Founder & Leader
Bless the Beasts, Bless our Children and Bless this Earth