Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Our Younger Generation Can Save this Earth

This is something I received from one of our younger members. It is in response to my blog What Does Bike Safety have to do with "Being Vegan."

Our younger generation "gets it!" They are the driving force that can make a real difference. This is where the change begins, with our children, with our young people, with all generations.

Tuxedo specifically points out that making the change is a day by day awareness. It is a gradual one that we make in our own time frame until we become completely commited to protecting our local environment, all living creatures and our wonderful Earth.

Thank you Tuxedo for sharing your thoughts!

I think what you said was great, and everything you're doing is wonderful. I've only been living this different way of life for less than 4 years, and like you said it doesn't usually come overnight.

I read that book "Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About", thats when the transition began. I didn't do anything immediately, but spread the word, but as I ate these foods that I loved before, they didn't taste the same to me anymore. I could taste the chemicals and the unaturalness of it all. So thats when I stopped eating fast food, and other junk food, and started shopping at the natural food store.

I still bought meat(mainly chicken was my favorite), but I had to limit myself, because it was so expensive, so I would try using a limited ammount of meat in my meals and more vegetables. Then I realized that all the flavor was coming from the vegetables, and that was the part of the meal I was enjoying the most. I found myself picking through my plate for veggies rather than the other way around. So I put less and less meat in my meals and I eventually realized I didn't need it anymore. It was initially a decision based on common sense and trying to save money, but as time went by it became more to me. I wasn't just refraining from meat, because it was the most logical thing to do, I was also doing it because I didn't believe it was right to kill a creature that feels pain and suffering, so that I can achieve satisfaction, and the more and more I became aware of this truth their was no way I'd ever return to eating animals. just that alone has probably significantly reduced my negative impact on the environment.

I've also never owned a car or a cell phone and never will, almost all my groceries are raw and organic/local, I try to recycle, but I'm not very good at that, and I throw all my veggie/fruit leftovers in the woods or somewhere the lawn doesn't get mowed, with HOPE's that it might replenish the soil and something might grow.

Now I'm far from perfect and I've got along way to go, but I think that through baby steps, and coming together in this change we can make a profound difference, and maybe just maybe, save the earth, while us humans still inhabit it.

I want to give thanks and all my appreciation to every one in this group for coming together, and being who you are. I LOVE every one of you and I HOPE and believe that together we can make a difference in this community, and spread that change like seeds in the wind.

Tuxedo Mask

Bless the Beasts, Bless our Children, & Bless this Earth

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