Check out this awesome menu the
Village Downtown prepared for our April Meetup!!!
*Vegetable Fajitas w/chimchurri sauce & black beans on the side
*Asparagus w/provolone, red onion & homemade thousand island w/pumpernickel bread *Bowl of Squash Soup.Just unbelievably delicious!!! Wish we had pictures!!
Mary Strauss, Sustainability Programs Coordinator City of Bryan, Environmental Services Division, of
Be Green in Bryan, chatted with everyone about
Environmentally Friendly Yard Care
Equipping your garage or gardening headquarters with tools and techniques that save you time in the garden and are beneficial to the environment! Discover simple ways to conserve water and to reduce your use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

A great group of folks showed up to listen to Mary and to ask her questions. She did an awesome job and is available to speak on numerous topics if you are or your group is interested. Here are just a few:
Environmental/Solid Waste Services
This presentation highlights some of the lesser known but valuable services offered by Bryan’s Environmental Services Division. Do you know where and when you can dispose of your paint and household chemicals for free? Do you know what types or how much brush and bulky you may place curbside? Do you know how to report illegal dumping or other environmental concerns in your area? Find out how you and your family can make a difference in beautifying Bryan!
Water Quality in Your Neighborhood
How do our everyday actions affect the environment? Find out what goes down the storm drains in Bryan as a result of common yard care and home improvement practices and their effect on water quality.
Let’s Tackle Grease in the Kitchen
Grease and oil come from a number of sources. Some of these sources are not easy to spot, such as food scraps, baked goods, sauces and dairy products. Did you know that putting oil and grease down the kitchen sink can cause costly sewer overflows into streets and storm drains in your neighborhood? Learn how and why you should help prevent grease buildups and blocked sewer lines.
You can contact Mary Strauss (979) 209-5910 mstrauss@bryantx.govThanks to everyone for sharing your evening with Mary and making her feel welcome!

And thank you, Mary, for taking time out of your busy schedule to share your knowledge and expertise with the group!
The May meetup is May the 4th, 6pm, at Gail Ostensen’s house!!!! This is a discussion meetup and we want to hear what everyone has to say!! So bring your thoughts, ideas, suggestions AND BRING A DISH or SOMETHING for EVERYONE to share!! It will be a good time to get to know everyone and hear new ideas and suggestions!!
Please email
slyck for directions and RSVP if you are interested.

Hope to see you all there!!!
Bless the Beasts, Bless our Children and Bless this Earth