Gail Ostensen hosted our meetup last night at her home. WOW! Did we eat good! Some of the delicious dishes folks brought were fresh turnip greens with sliced turnips, corn and veggie salad with a hot chile sesame oil dressing, pear chutney, Humble Vegan Garbanzo Basil Garlic Hummus, guac & blue corn chips, pasta-broc-veggie salad with a poppy seed dressing, fresh cut veggies, strawberries, blackberries and sliced pears. And a delicious vegan brownie cake for dessert.

Everyone had really great ideas and thoughts....from field trips to animal activism events to educating the public on the health and environmental benefits of adopting a Veg*n lifestyle to a 5K Fun Walk/Run. We also discussed sponsoring "Awakening the Dreamer" event and continuing the holiday donation drive thru....Bless the Beasts and the Children, as well as Earth Day 2011.
We also discussed meeting in the park during the cooler months and alternating pot-lucks with speaker presentations.
John Adams, facilitator of Awakening the Dreamer, stopped by to chat and share some thoughts. John trained last summer for this position. Since age 16, he has been interested in Health as not only physical, psycho-emotional, and spiritual, but societal and planetary, as well. If you want to know more about this amazing symposium.... check out the website.
We all had a great time, fabulous food and good conversation!
If you did not get a chance to attend last night .... we'd love to hear YOUR ideas, thoughts, & suggestions for what you would like the group to be involved in. And if you are interested in being a part of this dynamic group..... just let us know!!
Among all the munching and the smacking of our lips... we did manage to chat it up about what we want the group to do this year.
Georgia Vergos, Travis Thompson, Laura Thomas, Kristin Williams, Charlie Lindahl, Gail Ostensen, & Slyck Pecena were in attendance. Meg Reynard stopped by for a quick visit on her way to "knock on people's doors" as a census taker.
"Hilde," Gail's adorable puppy dog, enjoyed the attention we gave to her! Have you seen such a cute little face?
Everyone had really great ideas and thoughts....from field trips to animal activism events to educating the public on the health and environmental benefits of adopting a Veg*n lifestyle to a 5K Fun Walk/Run. We also discussed sponsoring "Awakening the Dreamer" event and continuing the holiday donation drive thru....Bless the Beasts and the Children, as well as Earth Day 2011.
We also discussed meeting in the park during the cooler months and alternating pot-lucks with speaker presentations.
John Adams, facilitator of Awakening the Dreamer, stopped by to chat and share some thoughts. John trained last summer for this position. Since age 16, he has been interested in Health as not only physical, psycho-emotional, and spiritual, but societal and planetary, as well. If you want to know more about this amazing symposium.... check out the website.
We all had a great time, fabulous food and good conversation!
If you did not get a chance to attend last night .... we'd love to hear YOUR ideas, thoughts, & suggestions for what you would like the group to be involved in. And if you are interested in being a part of this dynamic group..... just let us know!!
Bless the Beasts, Bless our Children & Bless this Earth
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